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All Hallows Eve by Joy Erentreich
The goal of All Hallows Eve is to provide handmade items with a Halloween or Gothic feel. They make handmade, high quality jewelry, and Halloween-based Mickey ears! With their handmade crafts, they celebrate the darkness in all of us and the best holiday ever...Halloween!
Anna Maltese is a former animator for The Simpsons who served as a character layout artist. She is also a fire performer and archery instructor. Anna creates Native American traditional garb and accessories. She features chest plates, chokers, earrings, and dream catchers! All materials are handmade, and use real bone, wood, leather, feathers, etc. All animal-based products are from animals that passed of natural causes, or where the providers ensure every piece is used humanely, and respectfully.
Diana Levin always liked to see the darker side of life, but in a cute way. By working with various mediums, including acrylic, digital, pen and ink, she creates art inspired from old fairy tales and fantasy fables. Through Ghoulish Bunny Studios, Diana creates great products such as prints, jewelry, books and much more.
Grave Visions is Photography created by Los Angeles Photographer, Martin Barrios. A style of Photographs that show the Beauty, Gothic, and the sorrow of death.
Michelle is a Southern Californian native who works in the film industry and art world. She started Bat in Your Belfry in 2012 as a way to bring what she loves to life (per say), which has continued to grow in popularity since! Check out her unique art at our Halloween & Goth Lovers section!
Cookies come in selections of 12 or 14 per bag.
Halloween Psycho specializes in building unique pieces and products, accentuating the many different features of a Halloween and Horror design. Each and every custom project they create is developed and hand crafted with only the best efforts of their staff and expert artisans in producing high quality Halloween and Horror designs!
Handmade hair pins, magnets, coffin-boxes, necklaces and bracelets from our featured artist, Louise!
These "dreadfully cute" creations bring a fun, clever spookiness to our Halloween & Goth lovers section of Dual Crossroads!